Charge Vac 10 hp

Charge Vac 10 hp
Charge Vac 10 hp

Charge Vac 10 hp

10 hp - using 400 Volts. Are portable, versatile and with high performance. Good balance between production capacity and price

Well-powered electric motor
Well-powered electric motor

Well-powered electric motor

To compare the power to a gas vacuum, just double the number. You need just half the horsepower of a gas engine

Option: Vacuum Saver Setup
Option: Vacuum Saver Setup

Option: Vacuum Saver Setup

With an In-Line Vacuum Saver objects are removed from the fiber before causing damage

Impeller blades
Impeller blades

Impeller blades

Extra large and powerful turbine blades - 4” gusset reinforced blade. Solid robotic welds and precision dynamic balancing provide a smooth running blade

Insulation Removal
Insulation Removal

Insulation Removal

The Contractor can quickly remove and collect damaged insulation materials






Diámetro de la paleta


Datos técnicos

Insulation Removal Vacuums
Insulation Removal Vacuums

Insulation Removal Vacuums

Detailed information about Vacuums from Cool Machines

Cool Comparison Matrix
Cool Comparison Matrix

Cool Comparison Matrix

See the Comparison between the range of vacuums from Cool Machines

Accesorios Cool Vac
Accesorios Cool Vac

Accesorios Cool Vac

Nuestros protectores Cool Vac son la respuesta a posibles daño de la máquina de vacío.

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